Monday Mixer Entry: Canyon Song


Canyon Song”



Ian poised at the bottom of the chasm, soulful notes pouring forth from his ocarina. He prayed Charity would hear and understand, that the music might stem her regressive behavior.

Hesitating by the rocky rim, Charity cocked her head, listening to the song echoing from the vast space below. The notes swirled and danced, but the tune eluded capture like wisps of smoke. It morphed into an ear splitting, nerve jangling sound that sliced through her.

Nyaaaackff!” She pawed at the air.

When the scent wafted over, she was on it. Hunger she understood. Lurching from the shadows, she threw herself on the unsuspecting hiker and bit deeply, severing muscle and sinew. The music faded beneath terrified screams and the frenzy of her feeding.

Ian heard the snarls and sighed. “Tomorrow’s another day.”

Charity’s decaying mind sought out the source of the music with the intention of ending it.


Read the rest of the Monday Mixer entries here:  Monday Mixer