Review: Pushing the Limits by Katie McGarry

God, there were so many things I loved about this book and an equal number of things that frustrated me. Some of the events felt like they were blown way out of proportion for the sake of drama or to fit the way the author wanted the story to go. Without giving too much away, someone should have done some jail time or at least been in a psychiatric facility. I don’t think enough research was done on the subject matter to bring home the realism. Some of the descriptions were a bit odd, and I think it might be because the author was trying to come up with something “new.” It just didn’t work for me.

That said… I couldn’t put the damn book down! I loved Echo and Noah together–so much so that I could overlook the corny and enjoy the read. There were parts of the story I wish had been more well developed (such as friends/school related issues) but I did love the way the author took Echo’s and Noah’s POVs, started out at a wide fork in the road, and brought their stories together until they were intertwined.

I’m conflicted on a lot of things in this book, so I’m just going to say that, in the end, I’m glad I read it and would recommend it to others.

didn't like it it was ok liked it really liked it (my current rating) it was amazing